Monday, October 26, 2009

my milkshake datura brings all the boys bees to the yard

So while I haven't been actively blogging for months-- aside from complaining about the drought and heat on Twitter-- I have been taking pictures of the interesting things that have been happening around my yard. For instance, I knew that the datura in my yard was a favorite plant of bees and moths and other insects, but a certain morning back in August was like stumbling into a bee bacchanal:


  1. Lori - loved that video. The bees were amazing and I enjoyed the nature sounds in the background, too. Though it did make me want to swat around the streaming video.

  2. That must be one sweet Datura. I have a few on mine but nothing like that. I hope they are not Africanized bees. You might want to look where they go when they leave to make sure the hive is not on your place.

  3. Awesome! They were so interested in the Datura that they didn't even seem to care that you were filming their gluttony. Good video, and gorgeous plant.
