Friday, May 2, 2008

Pic O' The Day

Sometimes my crappy little camera really makes me happy.


  1. I agree, it's the photographer, not the camera that makes the photo.

    I've one of those little guys myself growing out in my cactus garden. It wasn't supposed to winter over down here, but I guess no one told it that.

  2. Nancy - So true. One of the things I liked about Spring Fling was watching all the people with cool cameras wander around and then see what kind of pictures they posted. The variety of perspectives really fascinated me. As for me, I think the big improvement came when I learned to use the macro option. It got me excited about photography for the first time since college.

    Herself - I'm glad yours wintered over! I love how they catch the light. My only problem with them is that the ants LOVE them. Last summer, an ant colony in my garden completely dismantled one over the course of a few days!

  3. Wow, great shot! Love the contrast! I agree with Nancy and Herself, it's definitely the photographer that makes the shot special. Well done!

  4. Well, your crappy little camera made me smile, too! Glad you had a date with it today -- that's a lovely photo.

  5. Indeed, that is a great picture. I love the symmetry of that rosette.

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  6. Nice assymetrical composition, you did that:)
