Wednesday, May 28, 2008

early-morning datura


Carol Michel said...

Beautiful. Wonderful flowers in your garden now, in spite of the heat.

Carol, May Dreams Gardens

Lori said...

Carol - Not nearly as many flowers as I'd like, or I'd post more! But I have to admit that the lack of flowers just makes me appreciate the blooms that I do have even more. The datura even smells amazing-- kind of citrusy.

Anonymous said...

I've got to have Daturas in my garden as well. Just a few blooms can scent the whole area. Hard to believe it's poisonous when it smells that good. Have you grown the double bloom, purple and white yet? Much prettier but much less aroma.

Lori said...

Draco Gardens - They come in double purple?!! That sounds fabulous. I hadn't heard of the variation. Where do you get it? I've only seen seeds and starts for the single white variety.

ConsciousGardener said...

Nice composition on that Datura...beautiful photography. I've got the double purple-frill, but no flowers yet...can't wait!